Mostly made-up, but sometimes real, recipes for garbage cats and people alike. Submit your own and we will review it for quality before posting it to our site.
I invented Christmas Crack, yes, definitely me
Hello to all of you hohohooligans out there. It is I, your god, Chef Dangerloaf, a bastion of tradition in a world of cursed newfangledness. Nothing screams ‘tradition’ and ‘Christmas’ like stealing the inventions/ideas/holiday of others, murdering the original inventors, adding your own spin on it and then claiming it for your own. Such it […]
Candied Bacon Kettle Corn Recipe
By Chef Dangerloaf In preparation for Nekotaku’s monthly anime-viewing party, we at the Danger Bakery decided to make a treat so tasty that we’d keep eating it through the goriest anime (lookin’ at you, Chainsaw man). Since it was a movie night, it had to be popcorn (along with the rest of the snacks in […]
Bitey Loaf Biscuits
– Dangerloaf
Rambunctious Puff Surprise
– Dangerpuff
Yowl? Trill? Excuse Me, It’s Cat o’Clock.
Hello, just reminding you that I haven’t eaten in approximately ever. Yes, I know, that’s hard to believe, but I ran several studies and they all reached the same conclusion. As the Department Head of Loafology, you know you can trust my results. Feed me forthwith. -Dangerloaf, Department Head of Loafology