The internet has been abuzz about the flashy new player on the block – Stealthcat Airlines, which launched in 2021; it initially only supported a few unique flight paths from Meowmi (MIAO) to San Francisco SFO; which were confusing to everyone, as nobody from Meowmi is trying to go to San Francisco.
Recently, however, the young airline has made waves by dramatically increasing their flight offerings. Stealthcat appears to be taking a hyperlocal approach largely centered in Meowmi, and now offers a wide array of flights between The Pantry (PTR), Porchies (RCH), The LitterRobot (LTR), The Cat Tree (TCT), Kallax (LAX), The Ironing Board (IRN), The Kitchen Counter (KTC), and Thomasville, GA Regional Airport (KTVI), which is currently their only non-Meowmi hub. When pressed for comment, airline spokesperson “K-loaf” indicated that additional destinations were in the pipeline.
I had the privilege of being one of the early testers of an interesting new route planned for release later this month– ACC in West Virginia (CWV). ACC (Antique Cats Community) is a quaint but well-appointed TAA (Town That is Actually Just an Apartment) with a geriatric cat tree, plants, and wet food available for all meals. Like Meowmi, it also boasts a state-of-the-art LitterRobot. CWV will be its very first airport.
Also available at CWV will be Stealthcat Airline’s newest Sky Tree, the exclusive frequent flyer’s club available to their most loyal members – Shitty Loaf tier and above. Of course I had to check it out.

This Sky Tree Club is ACA approved (Aging Cat Accessible).

I thought the view was quite good – it is always nice when the club is positioned to allow for a view of the economy gates. The chaos makes for a nice backdrop to make the serenity of the club more enjoyable.

Upon arrival I was offered a customized bento box, complete with Plastic Crinklies and a Bell Ball.

I found it more than acceptable.
After stretching my legs by chasing some of the bento around the Club, I began to feel a bit peckish and stopped by their private sit-down restaurant. ACC is well known for their attention to detail in cuisine, and I was not disappointed.

According to the Club staff, meals available were prepared according the recommendations of Meowchelin starred chef, Dangerloaf (of Bacon Popcorn Fame), although it is unclear if the chef himself partakes of these meals. Rumor has it he’s a bit of a dry crunchies fiend. Today’s menu included whole chicken shreds with turkey liver, topped with a garnish of Instinct Raw Boost pellets and served in a dish of chicken broth. It was delicious, and I expressed my appreciation by spreading chicken shreds all over the carpet while chowing down.
All in all, it was an excellent experience. I would recommend anyone with Shitty Loaf tier status stop by CWV to check it out. Those without status can also consider purchasing a one-time Incredibly Bad Loaf pass to access the lounges to enjoy an unsurpassed experience.
5/5 paws.
Mediocre wishes,
Joséphine Lechat
P.S. – Word on the street has it that service to Thomasville. GA Regional Airport (KTVI) may be stopped soon, as feedback from frequent flyers has indicated declining quality. As one of the more minor routes, it would not surprise me to see it cut in the next round of updates– if you haven’t had the chance yet to check out the Sky Tree Club in Thomasville, this may be your last chance!
This article is not sponsored by Stealthcat or Instinct, although I would not be averse to a working pawtnership in the future. You hear me?