Fans are still reeling from the exciting finale of the highly popular idol survival show, ‘Meow-knae on Top.’ Oven, the 4-member cat and dog idol group that managed to pull a surprise win with their stunning performance of their original single, ‘Pet Me Right,’ announced their long-awaited debut for later this month. Here’s what fans need to know about these young upstarts in the pop world.
Why are they called ‘Oven?’
Dangerloaf, the self-appointed leader of the group, answers this common question:
“Well, ovens are notoriously dangerous and hot, and we felt that really represented our brand. Not to mention, you can’t get loaves this nice without baking them.”
Well, we can’t disagree with that logic!
Read on to find out more about each of the members.

Stage name: Dangerloaf / 데인저로프
Birth name: Flea-bitten dumpster cat
Nickname(s): Loaf, Besto Loafu, (Don) Loafio, Terrible Loaf, What Are You Doing In There
Birthday: June 1, 2019
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: Medium-smol
Blood type: Cat
Nationality: Cat-rean
Role: Leader (self-appointed), vocalist
Hobbies: batting at string, zoomies
Likes: walkies, dry crunchies
Dislikes: doing tricks before dinner, flea medicine, car rides

Stage name: Dangerpuff / 데인저퍼프
Birth name: cute “girl” kitten on Craigslist
Nickname(s): Puff, (Don) Puffio, Terrible Puff, Bad Cat, Get Out of the Pantry
Birthday: January 1, 2021
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: Medium-smol
Nationality: Cat-rean
Role: Rappurr, Dancer, Face of the Group (self-appointed)
Hobbies: stealing food (anyone’s food, as long as it’s not his), hiding in the pantry, napping
Likes: wet food, tube treats, being paid attention to
Dislikes: when Dangerloaf finishes his food before he (Dangerpuff) can steal some, the outside world, new people, being paid attention to (against his puffy will)

Stage name: Jotato / 조태토
Birth name: Joseph
Nickname(s): Jojo, Bad Potato, Bad Grandpa, Please Just Drink One Drop of Water, Stop Scratching the Carpet
Birthday: August 17, 2011
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: Smol
Nationality: Taipawnese / Felinian
Role: Rappurr, vocalist, Chief quality inspector (self-appointed, refuses to elaborate on what that means)
Hobbies: it’s hard to find time for hobbies when one is the chief quality inspector and must spend a lot of time checking over the couch and blankets
Likes: warm laps but only blankets included, baskets
Dislikes: uncovered skin, shoes
Marshmallow Fluff

Stage name: Marshmallow Fluff / 마시멜로 보풀
Birth name: Eddie
Nickname(s): Eddie-Freddie, Freddie-man, Fredward, Freduardo, Big Boy, Fuck on Outta Here
Birthday: February 6th, 2015
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Height: Lorge
Nationality: Florida Man
Role: Vocalist, Dancer, High-notes specialist (self-appointed)
Hobbies: trash can diving, looking for toilet paper rolls, playing with toilet paper rolls, eating toilet paper rolls
Likes: toilet paper rolls, his egg (a plastic egg-shaped toy), peanut butter, carrots, trying new people foods
Dislikes: baths, bubbles in water fountains, when people blow in his face, pedicures