Danger Bakery

A fine baked goods establishment yowling for your attention since 2021

Hiss-cord Server Release and the Handbook

Big news! We’ve moved to a better server host in anticipation of a new project due for beta release soon: Dangerpuff’s Adventure Handbook.

We’ve also finally opened a Hiss-cord server! Come discover new tricks for Genshin Impact and get a peek at the behind the scenes action for Danger Bakery.

We’re a community dedicated to theorycrafting, data-driven research, and inane cat memes. We also provide a space to find co-op groups and advertise your various creations.

Plus, we’ll show you the venerable and ancient art of Photoshopping so you can stick your own pets onto Genshin characters. Commune with your ancestors in the traditional art of manipulation. Don’t miss out – click the link below to join our server!


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  1. titaniumchloride October 10, 2023

    Hi, just wanted to let you know your Discord invite has expired. Been wanting to look into the Dangerpuff’s Adventure Handbook project more as it seems pretty nifty.

    • dangerloaf October 15, 2023 — Post Author

      Ahh, thanks for the heads up! I converted the Discord to a community so that I can get a permanent invite link set up there. No more expired links!

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